Monday, July 6, 2009

Its almost time for China!

In less then a month (25 days to be exact) I will be on my way to Beijing, China to begin 2 of the best weeks of my life. It is crazy to think that in one month I will be around a completely different culture with everyone around me speaking a different language and all of the food being very foreign. The thought of this is awesome and amazing but slightly scary.

Right now I am at B'nai Brith Camp Pearlman at BBYO's International Leadership Training Conference (ILTC). BBYO is the world's largest Jewish teen movement and I am Central New Jersey's Council President. Here at ILTC I am learning leadership skills and learning about my Jewish heritage. The weirdest part about this is that after learning all of these Judaic lessons I will be travelling across the world to the largest Buddhist population in the world. This paradigm shift will deffinately give me an interesting perspective when in China. Well anyways, I am going to go back to camp but I will talk to you when I'm closer to getting to China! If you have any questions or want to learn more about me feel free to email me at Also, make sure you "follow" my blog because one lucky follower will be randomly chosen to win a special present from China. Thanks!


  1. Cory- I think your insight about the religious "paradigm shift" you are about to embark on is really insightful & spot on! As a Catholic, I am also very excited about our impending experience, and am truly inspired by your excitement about our adventure :)

  2. Hi, Cory,

    Several things about you, your posts, and your blog layout (even though customized, you found a way to add to it) impress me. My children belonged to BBYO and attended a Jewish camp in the Poconos every summer. In both programs, they acquired leadership skills they might not have any other way. In addition, both went to Israel the summer of their junior high school year, one during a very troubled time in Jewish history. So the leadership and perspective you bring to your travels will be insightful to say the least. Like Ms. Sullivan, I was raised Catholic, but I read Hebrew.

    I really like that you intuitively understand blogging; you ARE a blogger. And I love that you have a Twitter feed; it will be as much fun following your 140 character posts as well as your blogs.

    Finally, I am impressed with your openness to suggest we stay connected with you, ask questions, and even gave us a way to contact you. Nice job, Cory.

    It will be my pleasure to follow your experiences, and I'm sure I will have a question or two along the way. PLEASE post photos and lots of details.

    Thanks so much for two interesting and compelling posts.

    RJ Stangherlin
    PA DEN LC Blog Coordinator
